Sunday, March 27, 2011

Weekend in Paris!

                                                        Me in front of the Eiffel Tower!

 Hi Everybody!!! I literally just got off the train from Paris, while maybe forty five minutes ago and there was so much that I wanted to let you all know about what happened this weekend while I was in Paris! 

                                                                   Arc de Triomphe

 So Friday our train left at 5:25am and we were on our way! We were in Paris by 8:30am and the time was so crazy this weekend. Not only did we go into a different time zone so we went ahead an hour but Sunday was daylight savings time here and so we went ahead another hour, only to go back an hour when we got back to London. When we got off the train at Paris-Nord, we decided to walk to the Arc de Triomphe because I overestimated the ease of walking there from the train station. In time we arrived and saw our first Parisian landmark! From there we ate lunch on our way to the Eiffel Tower at a little cafe. We continued walking and we reached the Eiffel Tower. Seeing this was not a mind-blowing as I thought that it was going to be which was interesting. Nikki and I were talking about the fact that maybe if we were coming from the states it would have been more of an amazing moment but because we live in Europe for some reason that hindered our view. It is a weird way of thinking but somehow it makes some sense. One thing we were blown away by was the temperature! Friday it was almost 80 degrees!!! We didn't have to wear our coats!, although it was another thing we had to carry because we had not checked into our hostel/hotel yet. From the Eiffel Tower we found the Metro and bought 3 day passes that gave us unlimited access to riding the Metro. We venture to North Paris to find our hotel and got a little lost, in a sketchy neighborhood, and then discovered that we were going in the wrong direction and needed to turn around. Once we did we entered a nicer side of the neighborhood and found our hotel and dropped off our bags, rested for a minute and then headed back out to conquer more of the city. That night we saw a couple of the sights lit up and walked around the city. 

                                                             Chateau de Versailles

 Saturday morning we decided to take the Metro to Versailles. We went to the chateau de versailles and walked around in the again amazing weather! In the early afternoon we headed back into the city and went to the Louvre. I was amazed at how much I liked it. There we so many ancient Greek sculptures and ancient Egyptian artifacts that I was so excited every time we walked into a new room. We got to see the Mona Lisa and the Code of Hammurabi among so many other things. From the Louvre we darted back to our hotel as fast as we could to eat, and get ready to go on our Illuminations bus tour followed by a show at the Moulin Rouge. On our way back it started to rain and slowed us down a little bit but eventually we made it to the meeting point on time. However, the company had made a mistake with our booking and while it said four adults on our conformation sheet, they had only booked two. Fortunately, for them lol, they were able to get two more seats at Moulin Rouge and we all got on the bus and headed off to start the adventure! The bus tour was acceptable, we drove around and saw most of the sightseeing landmarks at night and then we got onto a river cruise because we were going to see the 11pm show at Moulin Rouge and that was miserable. Not only had it started raining again but the boat was incredibly overcrowded and we ended up sitting on the stairs at random spots on the boat. After we got off the  boat we made our way to Moulin Rouge where we stood in line and waited in the rain for them to let us into the show. We got in and it was amazing, and very much smaller than I expected! It almost had a big top vibe to it and it was cool, we were all squished together but all happy to be there! We got complementary champagne and watched the "Feerie" show which seemed completely random but I think it was because I didn't speak French so I had no idea what they were saying! The costumes were quite extravagant and revealing and overall it was a great experience. When we got out of the show, it was 2am but it turned into 3am with the time change which was fun :). 

                                                                 The Moulin Rouge

 Sunday morning we slept in a little bit and then packed up and went to the Musee de Orsay, an art museum that we toured for a short while before heading to Notre Dame. At Notre Dame we took pictures, walked inside, and ate crepes outside before having lunch and heading back to Nord to catch our train back to Paris. There is much commentary that I am leaving out, however, I am tired and lazy right now so if you would like to know more let me know! I will say though that I am happy to be back in London and Spring Break is right around the corner! Bye for now -Meg

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