Sunday, February 6, 2011

The First Week...

Hey Everyone, sorry its been so long since my last post, there has been so much going on! This week was orientation at school on Tuesday-Thursday and we finished with a bus and boat tour on Thursday. That was amazing! The orientations were helpful but the city tour was incredible. We got to see some of the sights and take pictures on the bus and on the boat. I saw Big Ben, the Eye, Parliament, Westminster Abbey, and so much more. As I type pictures are currently being uploaded to my Facebook page. I took so many and can't wait to take so many more. When we got off the boat it was night time so everything was illuminated and it made it even more unforgettable. The architecture here is absolutely breath-taking and a lot of my pictures are of amazing buildings. Friday was the first 'day off' and I went boot shopping with Nikki. We walked up and down Oxford Street, Piccadilly Circus, Angel, and Camden, where we found success. Now we officially fit in with the trend. Friday night was our first GSE Pub Night and it was great. We went to a bistro for dinner and the Porterhouse for drinks and live music. As we got there the Rugby game between England and Wales was finishing and that was an experience that I will never forget. England won and the entire bar was super happy! The music that was playing in the bar was entirely American and they jammed out to tunes like, "Don't Stop Believing", "Sweet Home Alabama", "Valerie", and more. Saturday was our tour of St. Paul's Cathedral and it was something I would recommend to everyone! There was an American chapel inside dedicated to the people that died in World War II and the tour guide wouldn't let us see one date, 1776, because he said it was an unfortunate 'family squabble'. That was the best quote of the trip so far, and we are keeping track of the amazing quotes that we say and that others say. Even though I am afraid of really high heights I successfully climbed to the top of St. Paul's and got some amazing pictures. Today was a very chill day. I slept in super late and then went grocery shopping and am waiting to watch the Super Bowl. Yes, they are actually going to let us watch American Football here. Hahaha. Overall, the pubs are awesome, been to a few this week, the Tube is my new favorite thing. I officially wish that we had on at home, it is awesome walking to a stop, getting off and then getting on when you wanna go home. It is so easy, so clean and all around awesome. I have made some awesome friends and we are traveling together and hanging out and it is phenomenal! I have more to say and more will happen so for now I will say farewell and look at my pics online! I will post again soon! -Meghan 
Oh and P.S- I got all my first choice classes! So yeay me!  

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